International Capital Markets Law and Securities Regulations


This 11-week online course offers a comprehensive and yet simple explanation of the law and regulation of capital markets in terms of evolution of financial capitalism, emergence of companies from early forms to modern corporations, the legal nature of securities and legal framework of public and private securities transactions. The course, while explaining the nature of corporations and securities, investigates the legal and economic reasons for enacting securities regulation as public law rules during the 20th century and the subsequent developments. The course touches upon the market failures and contract law failures which have triggered the introduction of regulatory laws to tackle agency problem and asymmetric information between the issuers and the investors and the other legal measures adopted to combat insider dealing, market manipulation and other forms of market abuse in capital markets. This course uniquely adopts an international approach contextualised for Ghana, and is brought to you by MountCrest University College in collaboration with the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London.


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